www.randymaclean.com Randy MacLean
How Distributors Can Double Their Rebate Income

•new opportunities for distribution industry •line-item profit analytics in distribution •eCommerce •profit gains •Gross Profit Margin •money-making •rebates •managing profit •dashboard •Rebate ManagementRebates are important for every company. They normally constitute about 11% of year-end profits for companies industry-wide, because rebates effectively go straight to the bottom line. In some cases, they can constitute as much as 50% if handled well.

Rebates can come in through buying groups, or direct negotiation with vendors. How you handle those two can make a significant difference to the performance of your company.

Our rebate reports show things such as Vendor Relationship Metrics, which displays the sometimes very few product lines with which most income is generated.

Unfortunately, much of the profit is often eaten up by credits and below-cost sales, which both can be hugely destructive to the bottom line, especially credits. This is a very important aspect to monitor as the returns can cost companies up to as much as 20x as much in revenue.

Our other reports show what is gained and lost with regard to rebates of many different categories, showing exactly where the best opportunities for negotiating lie. Use these to your advantage to max our your effectiveness in use of rebates.

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