The 7 Areas That Need Your Focus (brief)
•cost-to-serve math •operational excellence •distribution analytics •customer profitability •customer mix and balance •managing profit •Advanced Cost & Profit Analytics •success with WayPoint •change action chain •analyzing orders •productivity •conversion chainWednesday, June 2, 2021—The 7 Areas That Need Your Focus 1. adopt the language of profits 2. make everything numbers-driven 3. the conversion chain & profit conversion rates 4. operational excellence 5. customer selection 6. customer experience 7. focusing your talent (engage the whole team) For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: |
2/1/2024 Distribution industry profits are down. This session explains why, and suggests four actions that will restore profits and cash flow. Webinar: Increase Profit Through Margin Analysis 6/6/2023 Maximize profitability with WayPoint's Margin Analysis. Segment by profit, optimize pricing, identify underperforming margins, and boost through optimization. The 6 Attributes of Super-Profit Companies 5/26/2021 The 2nd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers. The 5 Things Customers Want (brief) 5/19/2021 The 1st of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers. 5/13/2019 Customer segmentation can be one of the most powerful tools you can use to develop and implement plans to optimize and deepen your customer relationships. How Distributors Can Double Their Rebate Income 4/29/2019 Companies can use analytics to better understand rebates, and use them as a powerful profit-generating tool. 9/1/2018 In this session, Randy MacLean presents some key concepts and metrics for advanced profit management, and shows how they're reported in WayPoint. How Money is Made in Wholesale Distribution 8/9/2018 Randy MacLean shares his analysis of over $65B of distribution business to help others shed incorrect assumptions about how to make money. |