www.randymaclean.com Randy MacLean
The 6 Attributes of Super-Profit Companies

•fill rates •industry perspective •business model •conversions •distribution analytics •customer loyalty strategies •analyzing delivery •costing delivery •high profit rates •minimum order quantity •advanced metricsThe Six Attributes of Super-Profit Companies

For more than a decade I've been working with distributors of all sizes and all profit levels in many different industries. We noticed a cadre of companies with profit rates far above those of their peers, and started looking for the common attributes that were driving rates of 15%, 20%, and even 25%.

We found these six attributes were the common markers of the high-profit companies:

1) core competency: moving product

2) absolute minimum of inventory locations

3) mastery of delivery alternatives

4) focus on customer experience

5) specialized sales force

6) numbers-driven

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net


Get Your Profits Back !


Distribution industry profits are down. This session explains why, and suggests four actions that will restore profits and cash flow.

The 7 Areas That Need Your Focus (brief)


The 3rd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers.

New Money – How to Analyze & Boost Profit from Delivery


See the surprising new methods top companies are using to calculate and optimize delivery costs and pricing, generating millions in new profits.

How Money is Made in Wholesale Distribution


Randy MacLean shares his analysis of over $65B of distribution business to help others shed incorrect assumptions about how to make money.

Profit-Driven Customer Service


There's a direct link between high profits and second-tier customer service. This is how you use it to make more money.

Changing Sales Strategy Using LIPA


Randy MacLean talks about the emergence of a new sales strategy.

Exec Brief #6: New Model For Marginal Accounts


Randy MacLean presents another video in the WayPoint Executive Briefing series with this discussion of creating a new model for marginal accounts.

Wholesale / Distribution Basic Math


Randy MacLean talks about the little-known real math behind profit production in a distribution business.

Exec Brief #2: Tilting The Playing Field (Action)


Randy MacLean discusses the secret to sustainable profitability and lays out a proven 6-step strategic road map that will help you take your competitors down.

Why Sales People Are Becoming Irrelevant


Market changes in two vital elements of the sales process have occurred.