www.randymaclean.com Randy MacLean
New Money – How to Analyze & Boost Profit from Delivery

•WayPoint Analytics •profit strategy •Randy MacLean •delivery costs •analyzing fleet costs •set delivery price •analyzing delivery •costing delivery •costing fleetFleet and delivery operations are a frequently overlooked opportunity to add much more profit to your bottom line. In fact, every dollar you save or charge is just as beneficial as $25 in new sales.

No wonder today's top companies are using surprising new methods to measure and optimize fleet costs, and implementing advanced analytics to set pricing and policies for deliveries. New ideas and new tools are shaping customer choices, and increase competitiveness.

This video shares what we've learned from hundreds of the best companies across more than a decade of strategic planning and on-the-ground tactics that have generated millions in new profits.

Downloads: FleetCosting.pdf

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For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: www.waypointanalytics.net


Solving Small Orders


Discover how WayPoint tackles the 'small-order problem' in distribution, isolating profit challenges and suggesting permanent solutions to boost profitability.

Get Your Profits Back !


Distribution industry profits are down. This session explains why, and suggests four actions that will restore profits and cash flow.

Measuring & Managing Fleet Costs


Sophisticated New Delivery Costing Drives Higher Profits

The 6 Attributes of Super-Profit Companies


The 2nd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers.

Customer Segmentation


Customer segmentation can be one of the most powerful tools you can use to develop and implement plans to optimize and deepen your customer relationships.

Novelties and New Core


Reviewing new improvements to the usability of WayPoint

WayPoint Presentation


In this session, Randy MacLean presents some key concepts and metrics for advanced profit management, and shows how they're reported in WayPoint.

You've Lost Your Biggest Account – Now What?


Everyone eventually faces the loss of a significant account. Sometimes big enough that "normal" operations are no longer feasible.

Profit-Driven Customer Service


There's a direct link between high profits and second-tier customer service. This is how you use it to make more money.

Cost Structures: What Makes for a Good Sale?


Learn why distributors can't simply rely on gross margin when determining whether a sale will add to the bottom line.

Using WayPoint's High Volume Account Report to Increase Profit


Randy discusses the benefits of the extraordinarily valuable High Volume Account Report.

Innovate Podcast: The Analytics of Super-Performing Distributors


Dirk Beveridge interviews Randy MacLean of WayPoint Analytics on the analytics and metrics of super-profitable distributors.

Exec Brief #5: Identifying High-Potential Accounts


Randy MacLean demonstrates how you can change the nature of your profit line by identifying highly leverage able profitable and unprofitable accounts.

Keep the Best, Then Reform or Get Rid of the Rest


A superior territory has a greater-than-average proportion of profitable accounts. This is the critical factor in territory management.

Using All the Profit Levers


To accelerate profit growth, make sure your company is using all seven of the levers that control profit.

The Problem with Having It All


Most sales operations look for every possible sale, yet that's the road to mediocrity, or worse.

Exec Brief #2: Tilting The Playing Field (Action)


Randy MacLean discusses the secret to sustainable profitability and lays out a proven 6-step strategic road map that will help you take your competitors down.

Exec Brief #1: Tilting the Playing Field (The Strategy )


Randy MacLean discusses a strategy to shift the profits in the market to your own company.

Why Does Gross Margin (Almost) Never Correlate to Profit?


Most executives were taught that increasing gross margin would increase profit, yet that's almost never true. Here's why...