Solving Small Orders
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
•WayPoint Analytics •Randy MacLean •small orders •money-losing invoices •restore profits •small accounts •delivery •labor costs •operating efficiency •value-add •logistics
This video addresses the persistent 'small-order problem' in the distribution industry, showcasing new WayPoint Analytics capabilities. It details how to identify and isolate profit challenges caused by small, unprofitable orders and suggests effective tactics for permanently resolving the issue, enhancing overall profitability. [click for article]
Downloads: Solving_Small_Orders.pptx
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit:
Get Your Profits Back !
Thursday, February 1, 2024
•WayPoint Analytics •profit strategy •Randy MacLean •distribution analytics •small orders •OCR •ROX •money-losing invoices •restore profits •small accounts
As 2024 begins, everyone is feeling serious profit erosion and everyone is looking for the best and fastest way to restore historic profit rates. In this session, we quickly explain the root causes, and look at four ways to restore profits. [click for article]
Downloads: GetYourProfitsBack.pdf
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit:
Webinar: Increase Profit Through Margin Analysis
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
•sales tactics •customer profitability •profit-value segmentation • order size •customer conversion rate •margin analysis •price adjustments •shipment value •waypoint report
This webinar unveils the exceptional power of our Margin Analysis report. During this session, you will gain valuable strategies to immediately capitalize on lucrative opportunities and drive your company's success.
The WayPoint Margin Analysis report provides a dynamic customer list segmented by profit value and efficiency. It presents their current margin, target break-even margin, margin required for contribution, and coverage of sales compensation. "Contributing" customers exceed the company average profit rates. Additionally, customers falling below the target margin display the precise price adjustment needed to reach the target. Unlock valuable insights for optimizing profitability and strategic decision-making. [click for article]
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit:
Measuring & Managing Fleet Costs
Thursday, February 16, 2023
•WayPoint Analytics •profit strategy •delivery costing •delivery profits •distribution strategy •time-based delivery costing
In this insightful session, Randy MacLean, creator of WayPoint Analytics, addresses the pressing challenges facing distributors, particularly rising manpower costs and resource constraints. The focus is on transforming delivery operations into profit centers through advanced analytics and efficiency improvements.
Key points include:
Demographics and Labor Costs: Shrinking labor pools and rising wages are reshaping the logistics landscape, making traditional manpower-intensive models unsustainable.
Optimizing Delivery Costs: Analyzing delivery metrics such as cost per delivery and time-based routing provides actionable insights to reduce expenses and improve efficiency.
Delivery as a Revenue Stream: Companies are encouraged to treat delivery as a product by charging appropriately and offering pricing tiers based on urgency and frequency.
Technology and Data: Tools like smartphones and GPS tracking enable precise time and cost measurement, making advanced delivery analysis accessible to companies of all sizes.
Strategic Actions: Reviewing delivery policies, implementing segmentation, and leveraging WayPoint's analytics can significantly improve profitability and efficiency.
MacLean emphasizes that every dollar saved in delivery operations equates to $25 in new sales, highlighting the enormous leverage in optimizing logistics. He invites distributors to explore WayPoint Analytics to gain unparalleled insights into costs, profits, and opportunities for growth. [click for article]
Downloads: ManagingDeiveryCosts.pdf
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit:
The 7 Areas That Need Your Focus (brief)
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
•cost-to-serve math •operational excellence •distribution analytics •customer profitability •customer mix and balance •managing profit •Advanced Cost & Profit Analytics •success with WayPoint •change action chain •analyzing orders •productivity •conversion chain
The 3rd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers. These are the specific areas that many companies commonly miss and places where your focus on new strategies and tactics will make a huge difference on your productivity and profitability. [click for article]
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit:
The 6 Attributes of Super-Profit Companies
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
•fill rates •industry perspective •business model •conversions •distribution analytics •customer loyalty strategies •analyzing delivery •costing delivery •high profit rates •minimum order quantity •advanced metrics
The 2nd of 3 lists defining the markers of Distribution companies outpacing their peers. [click for article]
For more information about Randy MacLean, visit: